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Curso Periodontologia e Implantologia

Curso Teórico

"The biologically driven philosophy in aesthetic implant rehabilitation: how to drive aesthetics from surgery to prosthodontics."

23 de Março, das 9 às 12H30, na FMDUP

Davide Farronato


To achieve a predictable and stable aesthetic outcome in implant therapies the ideal site feature should be known in order to have a reference point on treatment planning. Many researcher are investigating how to manage the main variables that affects tissue maturation around implants during time. In this course will be analyzed the complex interactions between these factors focusing especially on tissue contouring and temporary prostodontic managing according to biology and clinical observations. Wide focus will be given to the fresh socket scenario, according to specific limits and indications and taking care about the soft tissue managing. The emergence profile managing, timing and bone volume correction techniques are described in order to gain good control of the final result and it’s stability upon time.


The practical course is aimed at preparing doctors and technicians to a good managing of the immediate implant rehabilitation scenario, driving tissues in the correct position by the use of ideal emergence profiles at provisional.

Limitado | 28 participantes

Valor de inscrição: 5€


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Transferência bancária para:

Banco: Caixa Geral de Depósitos

IBAN: PT50 0035 0091 00007182430 21

Entidade: AEFMDUP

Deverá enviar o comprovativo de pagamento para o seguinte endereço eletrónico:, com o assunto "Inscrição curso Periodontologia - Nome completo".

Curso Prático

"The biologically driven philosophy in immediate load implants: Practical session - Hands-on"

23 de Março, das 14H às 17H, na FMDUP

Davide Farronato

Limitado | 22 participantes

Valor de inscrição: 65€

Última inscrição:

1º Passo: preencher o Formulário Online

2º Passo:

Transferência bancária para:

Banco: Caixa Geral de Depósitos

IBAN: PT50 0035 0091 00007182430 21

Entidade: AEFMDUP

Deverá enviar o comprovativo de pagamento para o seguinte endereço eletrónico:, com o assunto "Inscrição curso Periodontologia - Nome completo".

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